
My RHIB Was Stolen A G A I N !!!!!!!

I was going to start telling you of the events which transpired this morning, with a string of expletives that would have done myself a disservice as well as you, dear reader.

Instead, the truth is, I've had a wonderful day with my three beautiful children. Our Nanny works Saturdays but with Tania under the weather, and the Nanny's penchant for plugging them in to the TV while she's does housework, I decided that wasn't good enough for my family!

My RHIB Was Stolen!

So, here's the deal. I've just returned from the bank with two thousand dollars in my wallet. Tomorrow morning I'm heading to Port Coquitlam to buy a new RHIB.

This after my Aquapro RHIB & Evinrude 4HP outboard were stolen from the University compound down at Gyro Park. Yeah, I couldn't believe it. I went down there to check on T2 after a series of big storms in December, only to find the police on scene and my equipment gone.